
Conservation is inherently linked with arts and culture advocacy. Conservators must advocate for the collections we steward, as well as preservation itself, which relies heavily on grant and donor support. Thus, advocacy takes many forms, including museum and community engagement, fundraising, and education. These three areas tie closely with my interests in making preservation more accessible, as well as increasing the overall financial and environmental sustainability of the field.


Community Engagement

  • Coordinator of basketry cap repatriation for the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation

  • Co-chair of the Textile Society of America’s Preservation and Conservation Affinity Group

  • Coordinator of the University of Delaware’s Caring for Family Treasures Series

  • Coordinator of year-long collaborative research and knowledge reclamation project with Lenape Tribe of Delaware



  • Teaching Assistant, Hydrogels in Conservation, London, UK

  • Lecturer, WUDPAC Second-Year Seminar in Textile Conservation on weave analysis

  • Lecturer, WUDPAC First-year seminars on volunteering within conservation, conservation of indigenous textiles, and basketry conservation and repatriation

  • Leader of numerous public workshops on personal collections care

  • Teaching Assistant, WUDPAC First-year Photographic Materials Block

Images courtesy of Laura Mina and the Philadelphia Museum of Art